Code for section on home page 1

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  • #16302

    I accidentally deleted the VC classic mode code for the second section of the Home Page 1 demo. It’s the section with three columns with images- “Three Day Guest Pass,” “upcoming events,” “get personal training.” Can you send me the code for that section of the page? I’d love to use it on my site. Thanks!



    Pls use the below shortcode –

    [segment id="" class="marketing-banner" background_color="#eaeaea"]
    Our Offers / View All Offers
    [four_col] [marketing_offer title="3 Day Guest Pass" image_header_url="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/guest-pass.jpg"] [blockquote]"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or pain of regret."[/blockquote] [contact-form-7 id="8358" title="Top Header"] [/marketing_offer] [/four_col] [four_col] [marketing_offer title="Upcoming Events" image_header_url="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/events.jpg"] [upcoming_events post_count=3 class="simple-list" all_events_link="false"] [button size="medium" href="http://localhost/wordpress/events/" target="_self"]All Upcoming Events[/button] [/marketing_offer] [/four_col] [four_col_last] [marketing_offer title="Get Personal Training" image_header_url="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Personal-Training.jpg"] [blockquote author="Carl Sorenson"]"Personal Training has really improved my core strength and fitness. This has allowed me to continue with my training for swiss marathon."[/blockquote]

    Call us on +911 - 8279 - 01237 to book 30 minutes of FREE Personal Training with our certified trainers

    [button size="medium" href="#" target="_self"]Meet Our Trainers[/button] [/marketing_offer] [/four_col_last] [/segment]
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    The theme does not support entering design elements from column settings page. It simply does not make sense to enter general padding/margin etc. for a responsive site and would break the design that we have for the theme. We allow setting background color, parallax background image, parallax speed etc. for a row which is what would make more sense. If you need to set border, background for column (a rare thing, IMO), pls do it manually since this is simple one line CSS and should not require an editor. Hope this helps.

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