You will have to edit the file (theme folder) / framework /presentation / custom-post-types.php line number 203, please modify the rewrite attribute from “portfolio” to “cases”. Hope that helps!
This works great but I have a custom page at /cases and this is now overriden with the default portfolio page. Can I somehow disable the default portfolio page?
We are may be trying too much into this question. Probably you do not need to change the rewrite value then. All you need is to edit the page permalinks as described below –
Pls change the line number 198 of the framework/presentation/custom-post-types.php from
'has_archive' => true,
'has_archive' => false,
and see if the generic page goes away. Once you set the value to false, that generic archive page will not be available to you. You can still have cases as permalink and individual portfolio items should not get affected.
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