Change language of 'Course'.

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  • #26044

    I am currently in the process of the translating some words into Dutch.
    Not going to translate everything since There are just a few words. Currently checking how it should be done with PO/MO files.

    But one thing I can’t find in PoEddit is ‘Course’. The Dutch word is ‘Cursus’, so instead of “/course/dj-cursus-beginners” I want to have “/cursus/dj-cursus-beginners” of a “/cursus/producer-opleiding-beginners” etc.

    Can someone explain me how I can change this? Of course I checked the pages area where you just can change links, but this is something that’s part of this theme. Can’t find it.

    Thanks! 🙂


    Pls modify line no:125 file framework/presentation/custom-post-types.php

    'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'course' ),


    'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'cursus' ),

    After updating the code just make sure that you flush the rewrite rules by visiting Settings > Permalinks. Otherwise you’ll still see the old links.



    Thanks for the reply.
    It did exactly this, but now the website doesn’t work anymore…….!
    Attached you’ll see the code and the error the site gives!

    I changed it back again to course. Same error.
    Uploaded the original file (untouched) with Filezila.. still same error..

    Please help!


    Okay.. Nevermind.
    Have no idea why my mac is doing this, but you have 2 sorts of > ‘. A straight one, and a more curved one, and my macbook changed the last one to the other… Jesus.. stress haha..

    Now I fixed it.
    Thanks a lot! It worked. And thank god for Kaleidoscope haha..

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