Broken theme – using WP 4 and agile 3

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums Agile Theme Support Broken theme – using WP 4 and agile 3

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  • #9693


    I’ve followed the gide provided to uploade and install all the demo content, but my site remains broken.

    You can se what I’m seeing here :

    How can I fix this?


    Pls enable visual composer plugin. Pls visit Appearance->Install Plugins and activate visual composer. The theme prompts you for installing it at the top of the admin page.


    The theme didn’t prompt me for installing it. All of the plugins it wanted me to install, are installed.

    I’ve now tried installing a plugin called “4k Icons for Visual Composer – Free”.

    Is this correct?


    Found it! 🙂


    Can you tell me how I fix the menu’s?


    Your site is broken so that we are unable to suggest anything at this moment.
    Pls go through the Installation and Themeset up section in the theme documentation.
    Also from the documentation itself you will get an idea of menu settings.

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