Thanks for posting this to forum. This is so much easier to track and manage for us. Now, coming back to your question – I am thinking probably you want to hide instead of changing it.
If you want to hide it, pls use the following CSS in Custom CSS tab in Enticing Options Panel – #before-content-wrap.title-area {
If you are thinking of changing it, at present I do not have an option for it, although I see we must include an option to either hide it or change it in the options panel. Will do in the upcoming update. Till then, if you are comfortable, pls make the following code change –
In the file {theme directory}/framework/functions/utility-functions.php, pls change the method mo_populate_tagline() at line number 237 –
elseif (is_home()) {
echo '<h2>' . get_bloginfo('name') . __(' Home', 'mo_theme') . '</h2>';
to the following code
elseif (is_home()) {
echo '<h2>My desired Home title</h2>';
Hope this works for you.