1) You’ll need to set the header as display:none with CSS. After that, you’ll need to asign a different class to the sticky header and set it as display:block.
2) Yes, it depends on the width and height proportions you set for the header.
3) Could you send us a screenshot of what you wish to accomplish?
If you want, you can send us a link to your web page so we can provide you with the exact code you need.
Thank you so much. As far as question one guess, when I set display:none; the header space is still their at the top of the page, only now as a blank white bar. What do I need to change to make it go away?
Hi! Send us a link so we can provide you the exact code you need. Probably you set as not to show the content, but not the segment which contains the header.
Hi! In order to remove the black space in the page, go to your Custom CSS Section in the Theme Options Panel and enter the following code: #sticky-wrapper {display: none}
Hello – I am trying to figure out how to make my header image look right in the theme.. I have adjusted and played with all the settings, but can’t figure it out.
My header image is attached.. just need to know either how to size it for this theme, or how to change header settings to make it appear correctly..
here is the site:
and here is the header pic.. do i need to make the original photo a different size?
Please advise thanks!
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