Add Google Font span style


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  • #15774

    I would like to add one of the Google Fonts to my stylesheet as a span style that can be called from any page. I don’t want to change my Theme Options, as this will be a different Google Font than one I’ve specified there.

    I’ve looked around the back end a bit and it appears that even though all of the Google Fonts are listed in the Theme Options, only the ones that you select there are imported onto the web page. Where do I list additional Google Fonts to be added to my import list? Which file should I add the import code to?


    So even though you have Google fonts installed elsewhere in the theme, I need to create my own font folder and upload them there in order to use ones that I don’t list in my Theme Options? I thought this would be duplicating the code that exists elsewhere, but I can do that. Thanks for your quick reply.


    If all you want to do is to import some google font other than the ones listed in the theme options, you can copy the import code provided by

    site for that particular font and paste it into child style.css file. For example, you would have the below code entered

    @import url(;

    for Open Sans in style.css file and then you may use that font family wherever you need to. You can also enter this font name in the Fonts Tab of theme options as part of Custom Heading Font or Custom Body Font for headings or body.

    Hope this helps.


    Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for.

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