3 Column as in Demo

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  • #10254

    Hi everyone!

    I’ve just bought the FitPro WP Theme. On the demo for the theme, under the main slider on the front page, there are 3 columns (guest pass, upcoming events, personal training).

    I was just wondering how I get these on my site?

    It may be something really basic but I’m struggling to find how to get them.

    Any help would be appreciated thanks.

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    The page section is already there in the sampledata.
    You can view it in Pagesection -> “Top Header”.
    Or else you can use the below shortcode to recreate –

    [segment id="" class="marketing-banner" background_color="#eaeaea"]
    Our Offers / View All Offers
    [four_col] [marketing_offer title="3 Day Guest Pass" image_header_url="https://www.livemeshthemes.com/fitpro/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/guest-pass.jpg"] [blockquote]"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or pain of regret."[/blockquote] [contact-form-7 id="8358" title="Top Header"] [/marketing_offer] [/four_col] [four_col] [marketing_offer title="Upcoming Events" image_header_url="https://www.livemeshthemes.com/fitpro/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/events.jpg"] [upcoming_events post_count=3 class="simple-list" all_events_link="false"] [button size="medium" href="https://www.livemeshthemes.com/fitpro/events/" target="_self"]All Upcoming Events[/button] [/marketing_offer] [/four_col] [four_col_last] [marketing_offer title="Get Personal Training" image_header_url="https://www.livemeshthemes.com/fitpro/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Personal-Training.jpg"] [blockquote author="Carl Sorenson"]"Personal Training has really improved my core strength and fitness. This has allowed me to continue with my training for swiss marathon."[/blockquote]

    Call us on +911 - 8279 - 01237 to book 30 minutes of FREE Personal Training with our certified trainers

    [button size="medium" href="#" target="_self"]Meet Our Trainers[/button] [/marketing_offer] [/four_col_last] [/segment]

    Pls paste the above pagesection in the visual editor text tab.
    Or you can use visual composer and add it as text blocks.


    Can you please help me?

    I would like to adjust the height of the 3 collumns on the homepage, now they all have a different height.

    I’ve been trying it with the padding and margin of the collumns but no luck, I want them to be on the same line, just like the top.


    YourDutchMediaCom – can you pls open a separate thread pls and share a link to the site so that we can help you better? Thanks.

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