Reply To: Use Portfolio as Gallery Only


Pls modify the file <theme directory>/framework/functions/thumbnail-functions.php line number 113 onwards. It’s not an easy one to deal with this and hence I made the change and here it is (pls remove inline CSS once you have it working) –

            if (empty($before_html)) {

                if ($context == 'portfolio') {

                    $before_html = '';
                    $after_html = '' . $after_html;
                else {
                    $before_html = '';
                    $after_html = '' . $after_html;

            if ($wrapper) {
                $wrapper_html = '
'; $before_html = $wrapper_html . $before_html; if (mo_show_image_info($context) || $show_image_info) { $image_info = ''; $image_info .= '
'; if ($context == 'portfolio') $image_info .= '

'. $post_title . '

'; else $image_info .= '

' . $post_title . '

'; $image_info .= mo_get_taxonamy_info($taxonamy); $image_info .= '
'; $rel_attribute = 'rel="prettyPhoto[' . $context . ']" '; // point me to the source of the image for lightbox preview $image_info .= 'Preview'; $image_info .= '
'; $image_info .= '
'; $after_html .= $image_info; } $after_html .= '
'; // end of image-area }