Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins › Forums › Enticing Theme Support › Portfolio – show specific categories › Reply To: Portfolio – show specific categories
With the changed php files (posts-shortcodes.php and layout-manager.php) you provided a couple of weeks ago, the following shortcode allows me to show SPECIFIC Portfolio Categories (in this case “mid-century-modern”). However, I’d like the layout to look more like the Recent Project Portfolio as seen on Home Page 6.
[show_post_snippets number_of_columns=3 post_count=6 image_size=’small” show_meta=’false’ terms=”mid-century-modern” taxonamy=”portfolio_category” post_type=”portfolio” layout_class=”post-snippets full-width-snippets”]
If I change the shortcode to the following, I do get the layout I want, but I get ALL Portfolio pages instead of the just the ones in the specified Category (aka “terms”):
[show_custom_post number_of_columns=3 post_count=6 image_size=’small” show_meta=’false’ terms=”mid-century-modern” taxonamy=”portfolio_category” post_types=”portfolio” layout_class=”post-snippets full-width-snippets”]