Reply To: Page Title & Color


Unlike the other pages, the home page title is actually a link and hence the styling is not taking effect. It is a bug (noted for fix in updates). Can you insert the following CSS into Custom CSS in the theme options panel and see if that helps –

#before-content-area h1, #before-content-area h2, #before-content-area h2 a,  #before-content-area h2 a:visited { 
color: #E0E3E8;
font-size: 34px;
line-height: 42px;
/*display: none; */

Using display: none hides the title. To hide the entire area, use display: none; against the selector #before-content-area instead of its children like titles. Also there is an option in the Header tab for hiding the title area in home page –

Hope this helps.