Reply To: Filterable Portfolio Shortcode?


No option to display the title. On hover, the user is able to view the title, category. For displaying title, you can try adding the below method to custom/custom-functions.php –

function mo_get_portfolio_entry_text($thumbnail_exists, $excerpt_count) {

    $output = '
'; $output .= "\n" . the_title('
', '
', false); $display_text = mo_get_theme_option('mo_hide_text_in_portfolio') ? false : true; if ($display_text) { $output .= '
'; $output .= mo_truncate_string(get_the_excerpt(), $excerpt_count); $output .= '
'; } $output .= '
'; return $output; }

and then calling the same in the method mo_get_home_portfolio_content() around line number 282 –

$output .= mo_get_portfolio_entry_text(true, 100);

You will need to style the text a bit. Hope this helps.