Due to API changes by Twitter, we can no longer provide a built in Twitter Widget without significant changes. The JTWT JS plugin we used (and many others on the web) has been retired. There are two good options for the users who want to continue to use the twitter widget. Both have their pluses and minuses.
First option is pretty close to what we are used to – displaying just a list of recent tweets, and blends reasonably well with the theme (and we can reskin it too with little effort). With the latest updates of our themes, support for Recent Tweets plugin integration is now seamless with the help of TGM plugin activation framework.
Second option is feature rich (ex: post, retweet, replies right from the widget is supported) but at times does not blend well with the theme due to custom skinning by Twitter which displays the tweets in an iFrame.
Have provided the screenshots for your help (video would have been better but involves some patience in blurring out some of the details shown during the creation of the widgets). Let us know if you have trouble.
WordPress Plugin from wordpress.org – http://wordpress.org/plugins/recent-tweets-widget/
1) Login to twitter account after you invoke the link –
2) Click on create a new application
3) Fill in the details as shown and hit the Create application button at the bottom –
4) You should now be able to see the details like consumer key, consumer secret etc. as shown in the below screenshot –
Generate OAuth tokens by visiting the OAuth tool tab –
5) Download the plugin from the URL –
Load the plugin, drag and drop the Recent Tweets widget into the desired widget area. Paste the above details – keys and tokens into WordPress widget and you are done –
The tweets should now appear in the page.
1) Documentation is here but involves steps detailed below – https://dev.twitter.com/docs/embedded-timelines
Go to
and hit Create Widget button –
2) Should open the widget creation page like this –
Choose a dark or light skin depending on whether you want the widget to appear in the footer or on one of the sidebars. Copy the widget HTML generated at the bottom right –
3) Paste the copied HTML into a WordPress text widget as shown below –
Your tweets should appear on your page. Hope this helps.
Posted in: 2. General